Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Have a Healthy Body, Eat Right and Live Longer

It is near impossible to eat the required daily amounts of necessary vitamins, minerals and all that our bodies require for optimal performance in any one given day. Optimal performance means waking up in the morning fuelled with ample energy to take on every day with clear thoughts for managing our challenges effectively. A strong musculoskeletal system for good posture and circulation, as well as a clear communication system between the body and the mind.

We would need boxes of fresh fruit and vegetables picked fresh from our own backyard gardens on a daily basis. We would have had to start this diet plan when we were very young to avoid any free radical damage that happens over time as we are exposed to the elements of too much smog, too much smoke, too much chemical from cleaners, air fresheners, second hand smoke, dirty engines, paints, solvents, nail polish, preservatives and the list can go on. As the body is exposed, the damage starts and in most cases the problem begins very small inside the body and then by the time we feel or see the symptoms, the problem has grown to a point that the body itself can not heal on its own and requires support for the healing system to function and repair the damage. The human body is an amazing biological operating system. It will continue to function to the best of its ability, taking whatever resources that it needs from anywhere in the body and this results in system problems and difficulty targeting the cause, because ultimately if we do not give our body the tools it needs to operate in its ideal form, it will eventually begin to break down. There is no alternative. The cells in a human body are always regenerating or degenerating. It is imperative that we give our body the nutrition it needs, not only for maintaining a healthy body but also for growth and development of healthy new cells. The cells are the building blocks for the whole body. Healthy cells make healthy organs and from that we get healthy systems and ultimately an entire healthy body. We will not have a healthy body without healthy cells and we will not get healthy cells unless we are feeding our body with healthy cell food. Not food that is too sweet, or too salty, or too greasy, or too patsy, or too big.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Is Health at Any Size Possible?

In this newsletter edition, I will attempt to challenge your view of fat as being equal to unhealthy.

It wasn't until recently that I realized that all the information I had been fed about weight research was only one side of the coin. I didn't even recognize that the coin fell on the side of the diet industry. I ate all that I was fed and only felt bad about myself when I wasn't their "ideal weight".

No longer; I now see the other side of the coin. To start to reveal the other side of the coin, I will allow the words of Katherine Flegal to help me (thus, I will not be the only one preaching here):

Katherine M. Flegal, PhD, Senior Research Scientist at the National Center for Health Statistics, CDC, explains, "Although people think there's all this evidence out there showing a high mortality risk associated with (being) overweight, in fact the literature doesn't show it." Far from it. Flegal's research, analyzing 30 years of actual deaths in the US, corrected an earlier CDC report that indicated severe risks related to (being) overweight. She showed instead that being clinically 'overweight' is associated with a lower death rate than so-called 'normal' or 'healthy' weight. (JAMA 2005;293:1861-1867). It confirmed much earlier research that had been studiously ignored.

Further, I would like to point out that research telling us to lose weight isn't even working! Instead, the more we diet, the more we become more and more obsessed with food, our bodies and our failures. So, even if you do believe that being fat is unhealthy, is dieting really working for you?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

5 Expert Insider Steps to Begin Transforming Your Health & Body Today!

While yes, our team is born in a world of intense high athletic goals such as bodybuilding, it is not our goal to support people to become bodybuilders - FAR FROM IT!;-) So you can relax now!! But it IS our goal to share with you why the lessons from our experience of mastering human health & the body, & how developing a bodybuilder "mentality" for your own life can literally skyrocket you into a level of personal health you never thought possible, while showing you the shortcuts in how to get there! Sound good? Heck, it sounds GREAT to us, because we already know how it can CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

If you are serious about stepping into your greatness of feeling & looking great, take 3 minutes & glean our insight, because this is the single-most MISSING LINK that we see people repeatedly leaving out of their game plan to great health & why they continue to fail at achieving quality health for their lives.

When you have had an experience of taking your mental, emotional & physical self to the level that bodybuilding competition requires, as a coach for others it then allows you to see potential for your clients that they could never envision for themselves without you by their side AND TAKE THEM THERE, and that is the beauty of the gift that we REJOICE in offering others in order to achieve optimal health, energy, & joy for their lives. But to get create a successful transformation of your health & body, you HAVE to begin INSIDE with our 5 MUST-HAVE Steps! Yes, that's right - the focus begins in the MIND. Time & again we see this process work, and it's our UNIQUE coaching psychology method that sets us apart, & why we are capable of producing jaw-dropping results with the level of motivational mentality we provide. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you fail to develop the DESIRE & MINDSET to IMPLEMENT it, you will never succeed.

Want the insider view to our winning approach to learn how to transform your own health & body? We're here to offer you the scoop because it's our desire to support you fully to achieve authentic, preventative health from the inside, out in your lifetime. So where do we begin? There is a prolific spiritual author named John Maxwell, maybe you've heard of him, maybe you haven't - but he writes of numerous spiritual topics & speaks on how we create TRUE transformation for our lives. Below we adapt his words for our article today because it's a brilliant synopsis of just why & how we work with clients to coach them through mastering their personal health, as there are so many levels to the process.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Key to Optimal Health

Optimal health means more than the absence of pain, sickness and disease. As important as it is to be physical healthy it is equally important to be mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy as well. Optimal health, therefore, in context of what is being written here, is a balance of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health. Let us take a look at each of these aspects, beginning with physical health.

Physical Health

So much has been written about the subject of physical health in the categories of health and wellness, diet and weight loss, fitness and bodybuilding etc. In this article I will primarily deal with physical health in its internal aspect which includes building a healthy immune system, detoxifying the body, healthy and quick elimination, and nourishing the cells with proper nutrition. Aging itself can be slowed down by keeping the internal aspect of our physical health up to par. Wouldn't you love to have a healthy, youthful, energetic, strong, lean body which is free of disease, sickness and pain well into adulthood beyond the age of 40? It all narrows down to what type of food we put into our bodies - either food filled with toxins and poisons, or healthy, living, vital food.

Mark and Patti Virkler, in their inspiring book "Eden's Health Plan - Go Natural" write:

"Food is intended to furnish the body with all the live elements needed for the regeneration of its cells and tissues. If the body fails to be healthy, the lack or deficiency of regenerative elements in the food is the cause of, and the responsibility for, whatever ailment, sickness or disease overtakes it. Our bodies seek homeostasis, equilibrium, balance. This equals health. When given the right building blocks to work with, the body maintains itself in health."